Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
JournalDynamic Systems and Applications
Start Page495
Date Published2018
AMS Subject Classification34C27, 34D20, 34F05, 60H30

In this paper, we introduce the concept of ${ S^2_{\gamma} }$ -weighted pseudo almost automorphy. And then, we investigate some basic properties such as completeness of spaces, ergodic and composition theorems of such stochastic processes. Finally, by virtue of theories of evolution systems, fading phase spaces for infinite delay and the stochastic analysis techniques, we apply the results obtained to consider the existence and uniqueness results of weighted pseudo almost automorphic solutions in distribution to a class of nonautonomous stochastic neutral functional equations with infinite delay under ${ S^2_{\gamma} }$ -weighted pseudo almost automorphic coefficients in real separable Hilbert spaces.

Refereed DesignationRefereed
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