Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
Secondary TitleCommunications in Applied Analysis
Start Page449
Date Published06/2017
Type of Workscientific: mathematics
AMS34K28, 92D25, 92D40, 93C30

Bumblebees are ubiquitous creatures and crucial pollinators to a vast assortment of crops worldwide. These populations have been in decline in recent decades and researchers are seeking to understand why populations are decreasing and how to direct conservation efforts. Because of their reproductive patterns, bumblebee population dynamics can be modeled with delay differential equations (DDEs). We present non-linear, non-autonomous DDE models of bumblebee colonies and resources. We demonstrate that the models satisfy the conditions in [4] and complete the subsequent theoretical developments therein in order to rigorously justify families of approximate solutions.

Short TitleAnalysis of Nonlinear Delay Systems
Alternate JournalCAA
Refereed DesignationRefereed
Full Text

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