Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsLADDE, GS
Secondary TitleInflation-Unemployment Process
Start Page269
Date Published03/2017
Type of Workscientific: mathematics

In this work, by assuming a speed of adjustment of the rate of unemployment to be a Gaussian white noise as well as unanticipated changes to be Markov chain, stochastic mathematical models of inflation-unemployment processes are outlined. Furthermore, sufficient conditions are given to insure stability of inflation-employment processes in the quadratic mean as well as in the sense of almost sure. The presented study sheds a light on the effects of random structural perturbations in the system. The study also exhibits robust stability with respect to both deterministic as well as stochastic parameters of the system. This is achieved by the usage of comparison theorems in the context energy functions.

Short TitleInflation-Unemployment Process
Alternate JournalCAA
Refereed DesignationRefereed
Full Text


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