Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
Secondary TitleCommunications in Applied Analysis
Start Page15
Date Published01/2017
Type of Workscientific: mathematics
AMS65H10, 90C26

Conjugate gradient methods are probably the most famous iterative methods for solving large scale optimization problems in scientific and engineering computation, characterized by the simplicity of their iteration
and their low memory requirements. It is well known that the search direction plays a main role in the line search method. In this paper, we propose a new search direction with the Wolfe line search technique for solving unconstrained optimization problems. Under the above line searches and some assumptions, the global convergence properties of the given methods are discussed. Numerical result shows that the proposed formula is superior and more efficient when compared to other CG coefficients.

Short TitleTMR Method for Optimization Problems
Alternate JournalCAA
Refereed DesignationRefereed
Full Text


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