Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
Secondary TitleCommunications in Applied Analysis
Start Page489
Date Published11/2016
Type of Workscientific: mathematics
AMS14E20, 20C20, 46E25, 54C40

We consider a nonlinear impulsive control problem governed by a system of ordinary differential equations which we study using dynamic programming approach. We then present two HIV models which are particular instances of the problem. In the first HIV model the objective of the control problem is to find an optimal trajectory to guide the system to LTNP ( Long term Non-Progressor) equilibrium point while the cost of treatment is minimal, the viral load is undetectable, and CD4+T cell-count is at an acceptable level. In the second model we look for a treatment regime in which the infectious viral load is minimized and the CD4+T cell-count increases while using optimal dosage of anti-HIV drug. Simulation results are presented and discussed for each model.

Short TitleDynamic Programming Method
Alternate JournalCAA
Refereed DesignationRefereed
Full Text


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