Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
Start Page463
Date Published2015
AMS34K11, 39A10, 39A9

In this paper, we study the higher order functional dynamic equation $$\left\{  r_{n−1}(t) ( r_{n−2}(t)\left(...(r_1(t)x^∆(t))^∆ ...)^∆ \right)^∆ \right\}^∆ + p (t) x (g (t)) = 0,$$ on a time scale ${ \mathbb{T} }$, which is unbounded above, and where ${ n ≥ 2}$ . We will extend the so-called Hille and Nehari type criteria to higher order dynamic equations on time scales. Our results are essentially new even for higher order differential and difference equations. Therefore, the results obtained extend and improve several known results in the literature on second-order and third-order dynamic equations. We illustrate these new results by means of several examples.


Refereed DesignationRefereed
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