Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2010 |
Secondary Title | Communications in Applied Analysis |
Volume | 14 |
Issue | 4 |
Start Page | 491 |
Pagination | 504 |
Date Published | 12/2010 |
Type of Work | scientific: mathematics |
ISSN | 1083–2564 |
AMS | 26A33, 34G20, 35L10, 35L70, 35L90 |
Abstract | We consider an abstract second order semilinear integrodifferential equation involving fractional time derivatives of order between 0 and 2. Well-posedness is established under appropriate conditions on the initial data and the nonlinearities. These conditions which depend on the order of the fractional derivatives determine the exact underlying space. |
URL | http://www.acadsol.eu/en/articles/14/4/6.pdf |
Refereed Designation | Refereed |
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